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Sztum Circular Economytl-ne News Projects Sztum Circular Economy English pll_62a22b06d6a69 Sztum Circular Economy
Kick-off conference of the Sztum Circular Economy project on June 8, 2022
The initial conference of the Sztum Circular Economy project took place on June 8-9, 2022. On the first day, the conference was open to people interested in the subject of the circular economy and interested in the activities of the project. The meeting was opened by the Mayor of Sztum, Leszek Tabor. As part of the conference, speakers and guests were invited, including:
- Weronika Haustein, Honorary Consul of the Kingdom of Norway
- Andrzej Lemanowicz, Director of Zakład Utylizacji Odpadów Sp. z o.o. in Elbląg
- Mateusz Dobkowski, WAMA-COPP Association
In addition instead of invited guests, in the event took part project partners who presented various aspects of the project activities and activities related to a circular economy, including:
- Circular economy in the experience of Norwegian self-government communities,
- Internationalization of local activities for blue and green growth,
- The importance and challenges of the circular economy for the municipal economy
The first day ended with a summary by the Mayor and a press conference during which the local media had the opportunity to ask additional questions.