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The project “BaltWreck - Prevention of massive chemical pollution of marine waters…” - inaugural conference

The official launch of the project “BALTWRECK - Preventing massive marine waters chemical pollution from the leaking wrecks and munitions/weapons dumps in the South Baltic” took place in Gdansk on September 17-18.

With this event, we started a cooperation, whose activities will certainly contribute to reducing the damage caused by old wrecks and weapons, which are a threat to the Baltic flora and fauna.

The conference was hosted by the Institute of Fluid Flow Machinery of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IMP PAN), which is also the project leader. The BaltTWreck consortium is made up of 14 partners from 4 Baltic countries: Poland, Lithuania, Germany and Sweden, and 12 associated partners.

The project partners met to ceremonially inaugurate the future three-year cooperation, aimed at combating hazardous substances in the aquatic environment, in order to increase water safety and quality. After the welcoming part, each partner introduced its organization and its role in the project, then the participants were introduced to the program's formal requirements regarding financial issues, reporting and the general principles of project cooperation. The next part of the meeting was devoted to the presentation of work packages. A short meeting of the International Steering Group was also held during the first day of the conference.

On the second day of the conference, after a presentation to the partners on the project's communication and promotion and issues related to the partnership agreement, the main activities and effects of the project were presented. Then, the participants listened to interesting presentations on, among other things, Baltic wrecks, contamination of fish with chemicals from munitions, and biological effects of pollution of the Baltic Sea. With this solemn event, we began a three-year project, the activities of which will certainly contribute to reducing the damage caused by old wrecks and munitions, which are a threat to Baltic wildlife.

The official launch of the project “BALTWRECK - Preventing massive marine waters chemical pollution from the leaking wrecks and munitions/weapons dumps in the South Baltic” took place in Gdansk on September 17-18.

With this event, we started a cooperation, whose activities will certainly contribute to reducing the damage caused by old wrecks and weapons, which are a threat to the Baltic flora and fauna.

The conference was hosted by the Institute of Fluid Flow Machinery of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IMP PAN), which is also the project leader. The BaltTWreck consortium is made up of 14 partners from 4 Baltic countries: Poland, Lithuania, Germany and Sweden, and 12 associated partners.

The project partners met to ceremonially inaugurate the future three-year cooperation, aimed at combating hazardous substances in the aquatic environment, in order to increase water safety and quality. After the welcoming part, each partner introduced its organization and its role in the project, then the participants were introduced to the program's formal requirements regarding financial issues, reporting and the general principles of project cooperation. The next part of the meeting was devoted to the presentation of work packages. A short meeting of the International Steering Group was also held during the first day of the conference.

On the second day of the conference, after a presentation to the partners on the project's communication and promotion and issues related to the partnership agreement, the main activities and effects of the project were presented. Then, the participants listened to interesting presentations on, among other things, Baltic wrecks, contamination of fish with chemicals from munitions, and biological effects of pollution of the Baltic Sea. With this solemn event, we began a three-year project, the activities of which will certainly contribute to reducing the damage caused by old wrecks and munitions, which are a threat to Baltic wildlife.

The project aims to reduce pollution of the Baltic Sea by hazardous fuel, ammunition and other shipwreck residues by developing, demonstrating and implementing wreck management methods. The project will develop effective methods for wreck diagnostics and advanced technologies for detecting and removing hazardous substances from wrecks. The developed solutions will be tested in at least 3 pilot locations. An analysis of the impact of sunken munitions and hydrocarbon deposits on marine ecosystems will also be conducted.

The BaltTWreck consortium is made up of 14 partners from 4 Baltic countries: Poland, Lithuania, Germany and Sweden. The leader of the project is the Institute of Flow Machinery of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IMP PAN).

The Association of Polish Municipalities Euroregion Baltic is involved in the project as a partner with a full budget. Our member municipalities Stegna MunicipalityTolkmicko Commune and from Gdansk - the Association of Maritime Cities and Communes were invited to this socially valuable initiative.

The total budget of the project is €3.83 million, of which €3.06 million comes from the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg South Baltic Program.

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