Informacje z Euroregionu Bałtyk

SCONEtl-ne News English pll_678e640defc0d SCONE
SCONE - meeting in Denmark day 1
The first day of the two-day meeting in Denmark, within the framework of the SCONE - South Baltic Sustainable Development Cooperation Network project, is behind us.
The purpose of the meeting is:
Exchange experiences on sustainable development in partner organizations
To present a strategic approach to sustainability in educational institutions
To initiate a memorandum of understanding for the SCONE network
Discuss the content of the cooperation
Team building
The SCONE project is a continuation of activities related to working with schools and youth in the field of ecology in the framework of previous projects such as the GreenUp project. Topics include sustainability curricula in high schools and pro-environmental activities, working with teachers and students, and strengthening extracurricular teaching.
Participating with us in the visit are representatives of high schools Zespół Szkół Technicznych in Elbląg, II LO z Oddziałami Dwujęzycznymi im Kazimierza Jagiellończyka in Elbląg and Zespół Szkół Ogólnokształcących nr 6 from Gdańsk.