Informacje z Euroregionu Bałtyk

Streets for the Youthtl-ne News Streets for the Youth English pll_67a3403b62566 Streets for the Youth
Brugge- the second part of the study visit
Street For The Youth - the first studio visit behind us! In the second part of the event we had an unusual opportunity to co-create a creative space, we independently created mock-ups on the broad design of public spaces, experimented and shared knowledge and ideas, using a range of materials available at the MaM - Mind- And Makerspace studio. The idea stating that everyone can become a creator, not just a consumer, fit the design guidelines 100%. There was also time to visit the Sports Innovation Campus in Brugge. ( and to be active at Sportscube, an innovative sports space aimed at supporting physical activity and technology development in the field of sports (Sport Vlaanderen Brugge). We were also enriched with knowledge of good practices regarding other projects in which young people actively co-create solutions, spaces, events and initiatives, such as art, technology, urban planning, education or sustainability projects.
The next physical meeting of the partners will take place at the end of this year in Poland, and until then we will continue implementing the planned project activities.