“D-Effect” project - Youth participation and democracy in practice

On November 28, 2024, the inaugural meeting of one of the activities of the “D-Effect” project, whose main goal is to activate young people through the development of civic participation and the organization of democratic festivals, was held at the “Światowid” European Meeting Center. The project was created in response to the needs of young people, resulting from consultations and workshops held over the past two years.

The initiative began with the idea of supporting cultural institutions and youth organizations. Over time, it evolved into a project promoting democratic attitudes and civic activism among young people. “D-Effect” includes activities in five countries in the Baltic Sea region, thanks to the cooperation of an international network of local governments, NGOs and Euroregions. Polish partners include the municipalities of Olsztynek, Dzierzgoń and Elbląg, as well as the Association of Polish Municipalities Euroregion Baltic and the Światowid European Meeting Center in Elblag.

The project emphasizes practical activities. One of its key elements are democracy festivals - spaces where young people can not only learn about the principles of democracy, but also co-create cultural and educational events. During the course of the project, participants will have the opportunity to see how youth participation works in other countries, such as Sweden, Denmark and Lithuania. The experience gained there will serve as inspiration to create local activities.

“D-Effect” is also an opportunity for international exchange of experiences. Young people will have the opportunity to participate in projects such as “Streets for Youth,” where young people plan the future of their cities in the run up to 2050. There will be pilot programs on sustainable development in Elblag and other locations, involving both youth and teachers.

The project is unique because it combines educational activities with practical support. It gives young people the tools to co-determine, create change and implement their own ideas for community development. The partners emphasize that “D-Effect” is a project created “for youth and by youth.” It gives the young generation a real opportunity to co-create the future - their own and their cities'.

We invite you to follow the progress of the project and participate in its events. More information coming soon!

D-effect promotion in UBC biulletin

Danish partner from Guldborgsuned started the promotion of the D-effect project. They used their cooperation with UBC - Union of the Baltic Sea Cities and in their bulletin you can find more information about youth.

You can read the bulletin below

D-EFFECT project kick-off conference - day 2

The second day of the D-Effect conference has come to an end. Today, as on yesterday, we worked in two parallel groups. The project consortium dealt with formal issues and substantive issues, focusing on future project activities. Attention was focused on the various work packages in the project, accompanied by a lively discussion. A calendar of upcoming project activities and meetings was also planned.

At the same time, a group of young people participated in challenging, creative classes at the “Światowid” European Meeting Center in Elblag, preparing them for public speaking and working in front of the camera, among other things. The workshops for young people were led by Karolina Pawlak and Kacper Chyla.

We ended the meeting with a summary of the youth session, where young people gave a presentation on the competencies acquired during the workshop. Then we discussed further project work together.

Kick-off conference of the D-EFFECT project

We have just completed the first day, of a two-day kick-off for the D-EFFECT- Civic society democracy lessons, bringing a youth perspective in the eu policymaking at all levels in line with Youth Strategy 2022-2027 project. The event takes place in Elblag, the headquarters of STG ERB.

The conference began with a welcome section, followed by an overview of program requirements, reporting and financial issues were addressed. Two parallel group sessions were held throughout the event. The first brought together project partners, where issues related to the goals, objectives, expected results and work schedule in D-Effect were presented, as well as those related to methodology and inspiration for local democratic youth festivals. We also dealt with formal matters and communication and promotion of the project.

The second, parallel session was dedicated to youth and dealt with democracy and civic participation. Representatives of the younger generation made creative reflections on what democracy means to them, mapped their experiences of participation and talked about the methodology of youth democratic festivals.

Tomorrow we will continue to work on the formal side and the substantive side of the project, while the youth will face further workshop challenges.

Online kick-off conference of D-Effect project - 9-09-2024

The D-effect project started virtually on September 9, 2024. The international partners met to officially launch their activities and discuss upcoming activities.

The meeting was opened by the director of the Association of Polish Communes Euroregion Baltic, Mr Marcin Żuchowski, who welcomed the participants and shared his enthusiasm related to the acceptance of the project and the start of activities. He presented the current situation regarding the clarification of the project, signing all documents and agreements.

The online meeting was also an opportunity to get to know the project team, where each presented their organization and the staff that will be involved in the activities. The presentation began with the leader of the project, i.e. the Association, during which M. Żuchowski reminded the beginnings of the project and why the partners became interested in the topic of civic participation of young people.

The section dedicated to getting to know the partners was attended by representatives of:

An important element of each project is the participation of associated partners. The meeting was attended by representatives of:

The individual work packages planned for the project were discussed. Everyone also learned about promotion and communication, which is very important in the project.

Details of the launch conference, which will physically take place in Elbląg on 1-2.10.2024, were established. Additionally, the upcoming administrative and substantive activities that the partners will perform in the coming months were discussed.

D-effect online kick-off conference

The D-EFFECT Project - Lessons in Civil Society Democracy, bringing the youth perspective into the policy-making process at all levels in line with the Youth Strategy 2022-2027 has just had its kick-off online conference.

The project partners met in virtual reality to introduce their organizations and discuss topics related to the D-Effect project. The project leader (i.e. our Association) presented detailed information on the project's goals, project activities, work packages and deliverables. Issues related to communication and promotion were discussed, as well as the current status of the project. And soon, in Elblag, there will be a physical meeting to start a new chapter in the project.

The aim of the project is to permanently strengthen community organizations and their ability to cooperate with local public administration in the South Baltic countries, especially those operating in small towns, and to develop civil society, for which social diversity, equal treatment and dialogue are of particular value.

International youth festivals in our local governments organized by young people and in cooperation with local authorities, trips abroad, youth education, courses and workshops, meetings with young people from other countries - we will be involved in achieving such results over the coming months.

We are extremely proud to have the opportunity to lead the D-Effect project.