Design Thinking - training with Active Creative, day 2

The second day of the Design Thinking training is also the last day of the whole series of trainings, within the Active Creative project. Today, we managed to do an extremely difficult thing concerning the solution to the problem we had chosen yesterday. We went through the steps of working with the idea of Design Thinking. The creative working tools we learnt, such as brainwriting, the crushing technique, mind mapping, the lotus flower or storyboarding, up to the scamper method, allowed us to reach the prototyping stage, of which all the trainees are extremely proud. Edward de Bono's method of six thinking hats, which allows you to look at a problem from different perspectives, also proved to be a very interesting method of creative work. We would like to thank trainer Magdalena Prech for professionally imparting a wealth of knowledge.

Design Thinking - Active Creative training, day 1

Today we started another training course as part of the Active Creative project. This time the theme was design thinking. The first day with Design Thinking went extremely constructively. At the beginning, each participant defined what the concept of design thinking is for them, and we also learned about the origins and a piece of history related to the above. We delved into working in interdisciplinary teams, user-centredness, experimentation and testing, and learned about the key stages in the DT process, viz: Empathising, needs diagnosis, idea generation, prototyping and testing. We then moved on to the practical part, where we worked on solving a jointly selected, exemplary problem, namely the deficit of publicly accessible toilets in our city. Under the guidance of our trainer, Magdalena Prech, from Epsylon, we went through the first stages of the process. And tomorrow we will start the next part of the work, starting the day with brainstorming, ending with the construction of a prototype.

Public speaking training "Amazing speaker" - Active Creative project - day 2

The two-day 'Amazing Speaker' public speaking training is behind us. Today we had the opportunity to take away further valuable lessons on how to be an original, interesting and substantively prepared speaker in order to captivate the audience with your speech and remain in the audience's memory for a long time. In the first part of the day, we learnt about the different styles of presentation, the specifics of our audience and how to interact with each type of audience, body language and the specifics of individual gestures, as well as issues relating to conscious movement on stage. We also learned about techniques for answering questions, as well as the principles of voice work. In the second part of the training, the focus was on the presentations of the participants, who, after taking all the hints and tips into account the second time around, performed decidedly more professionally. We would like to thank Magdalena Prech for conducting an inspiring and content-rich training.

Public speaking training "Amazing speaker" - Active Creative project - day 1

The first day of the 'Mamazing Speaker' public speaking training course is behind us. The participants of the training today learnt how to prepare an interesting and engaging presentation, worked on techniques for dealing with stage fright, and acquired a lot of factual knowledge about what to pay special attention to when speaking in front of an audience in order to make the most of their potential. We also learned about the importance of breathing, thought hygiene, visualisation and what a power position is. For tomorrow, everyone will prepare their own 'improved' presentation, made according to today's instructions from the presenter. On the second day of training, we will also work on the use of space, tone of voice and body language, among other things.

The "Captivating Speaker" public speaking training is implemented as part of the activities of the AkTYwny KreaTYwny project. The trainer is Magdalena Prech.

AI workshop - Active Creative

Today, project activities with Active Creative were implemented in Dzierzgon, where a training session on artificial intelligence was held at the DzierzgoƄ Cultural Centre. The presenter introduced the participants to the arcana of working with AI schemes, from a historical overview, through a review of the many applications available, to working on selected tools. We had the opportunity to learn how the perspective of AI has changed over the years, how the cyclically implemented tools work and how to use artificial intelligence mechanisms in a practical way in private life and at work.

Active Creative Project - branding training - day 2

The second day of the brand-building training course from the Active Creative project has just concluded. Today, participants were equipped with the necessary tools and unique information related to launching a new brand, or product, on the market. We worked on building the image of the future brand, defined its strategy, also received practical tips on how to act in the media and information related to comprehensive financial management. The training, rich both in content and theory, will certainly help those interested to achieve success on their professional path.

We would like to thank Ms Ewelina Strawa for conducting the training.

The project AkTYwny KreaTYwny - Stimulating the spirit of cultural and creative entrepreneurship is co-financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage under the Culture Programme, co-financed by the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021.